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The Anatomy of a $40,157.32 Offer

Ballers, I put numbers on the board Pusha T voice

I’ve been yapping on and on about this little “end of the year promo” my client and I ran last week for the past couple o’ emails. 

Today’s the day I put a nail in this coffin. 

The final emails have been sent, and they shouldn’t be generating any more revenue. 

So, now’s the email where I’ll reveal the anatomy of this offer. 

First things first, why should you believe everything I’m about to tell you? 

Lemme tell you:

Over the course of 6 days, spanning 3 emails and 1 SMS message, my emails generated a whopping $40,157.32 in revenue.

The first email did 10.9k. 

The second did 14.9k. 

The third did 12.07k. 

And the SMS message did 2k. 

(We did not advertise this deal anywhere else besides email. Meaning, we didn’t throw advertising dollars behind it. We didn’t add a banner announcing it at the top of our site. We didn’t even so much as make an organic social media post about it.) 

So, why was this email-exclusive, 6-day promo, which started on Christmas Day and ended on NYE, become so wildly effective? 

Few reasons: 

Reason #1: The 40/40/20 rule

40% of the success of any promo is because of the offer. The next 40% of “blame” goes to your list quality. And finally, the last 20% goes to your copy. 

We had a killer offer: The bundled product (which included 6 bottles of our bestselling product for the past two years, and an automatic 15% discount) was something that people wanted. They already bought it in droves. And they’ve already been “sold” on it. 

But we also have a killer list: For the past four years, I’ve been emailing this list at least a few times a week. Sometimes it’s as much as every day, or even multiple times in a single day. 

Not only have I given my client “expert status” in the minds’ of our customers, but since we show up so consistently, they know we have their best interests in mind. And they also know that revenue isn’t the only thing we’re after. 

Best part about our list? 

Well, the week before we launched this offer, we also had a product launch campaign for a new product that generated slightly more than 30k in revenue. Meaning, we did more than 70k in revenue, just in the last two weeks of December. 

And, of course, I wrote killer copy: This product in particular has some of the best forms of social proof available, which I used to my advantage. I also used Reason #2 to my advantage, which we might as well dive into now, eh? 

Reason #2: The fewer promos, the more successful every promo is

Besides a garden variety of affiliate promotions we run from time to time and an introductory coupon code for joining our email list, the only other promos we’ve done in 2023 include: 

  • An expired “Best By” date sale, where we discounted a bunch of overstocked and technically “expired,” but still effective supplements. 

  • A brand sale for 25% off an entire line of products from a certain brand that we will no longer be working with. 

Every other email we sent in 2023 did NOT offer a special discount of any kind. 

This is a problem most brands have: 

When sales start drying up, their first “tactic” to inspire more sales is by discounting their products. Nothing inherently wrong with this, per se. But you don’t have a marketing strategy if your only strategy is offering higher and higher discounts. 

Not only do you discount your entire brand and “condition” your audience to avoid paying full price, but price is rarely the deciding factor between buying something or not. If you needed open heart surgery, would you search for the best deal or the best surgeon? 

And when price is the deciding factor over Product A vs Product B, then you’re getting the true bottom of the barrel of customers or clients. 

This is why the whole $500 client vs $5000 client meme exists. 

As for Reason #3: We sent this promo during a time when most are scared to email. 

For example: 

I “announced” this sale to our customers on Christmas Day. Most brands are scared shitless to “interrupt” someone’s day on a normal day, let alone a holiday. But when you write emails in the way I do, people actually look forward to opening, reading, and buying from your emails. 

Which means… 

Not only can you “get away” with sending more emails in a given week or month (or heck, even day), but you can also “get away” with sending emails on holidays, when the collective working world takes a break from their business. 

Lots of extra lessons packed into this bad boy too. ,

But you know what? 

The best way to duplicate this success in your business ain’t by studying these emails or hand-writing them line-by-line. 

Instead, it’s much simpler: 

Just hit reply. 

Afterwards, we’ll find a time that works for both of us. 

And if we both deem each other a good fit to work together, then, well, this email may just be about you and your brand someday. 


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