This might be the most important email I’ve ever sent.
Let’s find out if I’m hyping this up or not.
Here's the sitch:
I’ve been watching Obi-Wan Kenobi, which has thrown me into a Star Wars kick. (Sorry Tate bros… IYKYK.)
Said Star Wars kick made me want to dust off my PS4, redownload Star Wars Battlefront II, and play it.
I haven’t gamed much over the last year or so. But I go through seasons where I get the urge to play every now and again.
Well, I initiated the download from my PS4 library.
(It took an absurd amount of time to download because the game’s massive. Something like 30+ hours, give or take.)
But y’know what?
I wasn’t mad. I expected it would take forever to download. I patiently waited for longer than a day for it to download, so I could play a few rounds online.
That’s when an ugly, repulsive, and downright hideous creature calling itself EA Sports showed up at my crib and whispered into my eardrum, “Muahahahaha hold my mf beer, cully, you won’t play this game until I say!”
Here’s what hap’n’d:
In order to play the online version of this Star Wars game, you need to log into your EA Sports account.
Well, I haven’t played this particular game in 4 years.
And so, my EA Sports account got disconnected from the game.
Instead of launching into an online server to play a few rounds of Battlefront, EA Sports sent me instructions on how to reset my password.
Once I reset my password, I can play. At least that’s what the hideous creature tells me.
I follow all the instructions to reset my password… and… well, it’s impossible to reset your password.
I type in my email address connected to my account. They say it doesn't exist.
I try every other email address I’ve created.
None of them exist according to EA Sports. (Weird because I literally write email copy for a living, which requires having an email address.)
Then, I try to type in my EA Sports username.
And to my utter shock—it worked! EA Sports said they sent an email with a password reset button, so I could reset it and play.
Refresh the email feed about a thousand times.
Check the spam folders for each individual email account I might've used.
They never emailed me with my password reset button.
I trek back to their help articles, where I’m told to wait 90 minutes and try it again.
I don’t got time for that.
So I fall asleep. And I try it again the next day.
Guess what happened?
Yup, still don’t receive any emails from EA Sports.
I try again the third day.
I still haven’t played the damn game. And I probably never will.
And here’s the worst part:
EA Sports is such a massive disgrace masquerading as a company that it’s not even possible to play Battlefront II online without an EA Sports account.
They won’t even let you create another account!
So, I literally can’t play this game I bought 5 years ago.
Which brings me to the point:
The general experience you give your customers is the single most important predictor of your success as a business. (I first learnt this lesson from Jim Clair.)
EA Sports created the single worst gaming general experience I’ve experienced. (And don’t get me started on Madden, which hasn’t been good since 2005.)
My advice to you?
Be the opposite of EA Sports in everything you do.
I’ll let you figure out the nitty-gritty details for yourself.
One aspect of the general experience you provide to your audience is your email cadence and style.
If you need help creating an email strategy (and ongoing content) which…
* Repels clients you don’t wanna work with
* Magnetizes your ideal avatar more than a James Cameron sequel
* Sends you fat stacks of cash directly to your bank account
* And lays the groundwork for building your empire by creating an emotional connection with your customers which morphs them into lifelong evangelists for your brand
Let’s set up a quick call, and see if partnering makes sense.
And if you’re a fellow occasional gamer like yours truly?
Don’t buy a game that EA Sports put its dirty, mangled, and fugly fingers on.