Ask any brand why they don’t send more emails and they always answer one of the following:
* I don’t have time
* I don’t know what to say
* If I send too many emails, people will unsubscribe
The first “objection” is easy to handle. You can either cut down how long it takes you to write (and send) an email or outsource it.
The second is a piece of cake too. Transform any story from your daily life into a sales pitch. I do this damn near everyday. Or take a testimonial or review and turn it into an email. And if you wanna get all counterintuitive: Create more content—creativity begets creativity.
And if you’re still stuck?
If you have a proven offer, any copywriter worth their salt can cook up a bunch of great ideas, stories, and hooks for you.
So the first two ain’t objections.
Which leads me into the third…
The third “objection” here is both simpler—and more difficult—to fix.
Because it’s a mindset problem.
Sometimes folks are afraid of failure, backlash, and embarrassment. In other words, they don’t want their ego to get an ouchie.
Other times folks are afraid of success, change, and leaving their comfort zone. This second one is much more common than anyone let’s on. Oh, and it’s way more lethal.
Often, these “deep-rooted” excuses LARP as surface level excuses.
For example:
They hate receiving emails and hate unopened emails even more. Every unread email exudes cortisol (the stress hormone) throughout their body. They enter fight or flight mode. In effect, an unread email to their body is no different than encountering a hungry tiger on the prowl.
And so what do they do?
They don’t send emails because they don’t wanna intrude on their email inbox like how others pillage theirs.
Of course, this is the wrong mentality. In fact, if your product or service can improve your audience’s life, it is your God-given duty to spread the word as high and far as you can.
Some folks just don’t have the conviction in their products or services to do that.
Others are afraid of either failure or success.
Anywho, here’s the point:
Setting aside the armchair psychology, even this third objection is a farce.
Here’s why:
I’ve noticed something recently with my email list (which isn’t massive, but it ain’t nothing to sneeze at either).
My unsubscribes keep going down.
The more emails I send, the fewer unsubscribes I get.
Sounds counterintuitive, but it ain’t.
Because once I initiate mfs into my world, they know what they’re getting.
I’m gonna send a daily email. There’s gonna be a story and lesson in it — with some humor sprinkled in. And I’m gonna pitch my services.
It works because I’m consistent. And consistency is worth its weight in gold — particularly when it comes to unsubs.
You don’t have to send daily emails to be consistent. Stick to whatever works.
When you set proper expectations, your list knows what to expect. Which means they’ll either unsubscribe (and wish them good riddance because they never would’ve bought anyway) or keep reading and reading and reading until they’re ready to buy.
Yes, you’ll get a bunch of unsubscribes if you go from your monthly newsletter to a daily email. Same with less dramatic changes. But over time, these unsubs fall down and down and down.
I dare you to find a fluff-filled HubSpot article that tells you to reduce your unsubscribes by sending more emails.
(Spoiler alert: you can’t.)
That’s one of the perks of being subscribed to this list.
Another perk?
If you need help slanging more of your products or services with email, grab a discovery call here.
I’ll give you first priority for hopping on a call and working together if we’re a good fit.
(Though I must say: the more my client roster fills up, the more appealing creating a client waitlist becomes.)
Your choice, amigo. But you have been warned, my job here’s done, and the ball’s in your court.