Should you write the subject line or email first?
I hyped this email up quite a bit in yesterday’s email.
So here’s what I want you to do:
If you’re standing, sit down. My answer will make you jump out of your seat (and I don’t want you busting your cranium on your ceiling).
Okay, so what’s my answer?
…hold one. wait a second….
This scene is missing a few things.
First, make sure you have a cup of coffee ready. (Preferably black.)
Okay, now I need your help with a…
…Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrum-roll, please?
(We need more drama before I reveal my answer because it’s that good.)
Do I hear something?
Shh, be quiet…
I think I can hea—pudda-pudda-pudda-pudda.
Okay, can we make it a little louder?
Yes, we’re grooving now.
Add more oOMPH
*string section comes in*
*saxophone solo*
*in my best WWE announcer voice*
Anndddd in the left corner, clocking in at 190 lbs is the notorious email copywriter John “bookoobucks” Brandt with his even more no-no-notorious answer to whether you should write subject lines or emails first…
…the answer is…
It depends.
Got you, didn’t I?
Here’s the trooth:
Sometimes I write a subject line first. Other times I write an email first.
If my brain can cook up a great subject line, I’ll write it first.
If it can’t?
I’ll write the email first, and let my brain cook up ideas as I write it.
Don’t overcomplicate it.
Plus, I’d be a terrible host to these daily emails if I didn’t let you in on a little secret:
Sometimes I think I write a killer subject line before writing the email. But then one of two things happen: Either the subject line doesn’t align with the email content (paving the road to clickbait). Or I realize there’s a better subject line “hidden” in the body copy.
In both scenarios, I swap out the subject line for the better one.
Need help coming up with subject lines, angles, and email copy which makes your wallet burst at the seams?