Well, that worked until it didn’t. Yesterday, I shared with you my brilliant idea: Write emails for my clients explaining that the potential UPS strike could cause severe delays.
In yesterday’s email, I also revealed how a situation like this allowed my clients to tap into the magic of true urgency, and how these emails would cause an absolute avalanche of sales.
But turns out, I only got to send one of these emails for one of my clients.
Shortly after sending the email to our list, an update happened:
UPS and teamsters reached an agreement to avoid the strike.
Worst part?
It happened maybe an hour after I hit send.
Now, this email still made a decent chunk of change, especially considering it broke all the rules of email: I added way more than one product, I didn’t focus on their pain points (besides a UPS-induced strike adding delaying the shipping of their products), I didn’t give features or benefits of any one product, and the list goes on.
And I also didn’t lie:
Before sending the email, it didn’t look like UPS and teamsters would reach an agreement.
And you know what?
This is overall a good thing. Not just for my client’s customers, but also for you and me and the entire supply chain. And it gives me another email to send to them today: UPS reached an agreement, and yes, this is great news.
Even though it stifled my plans for other clients yesterday and stifled my plans for today, which included resending the email to everyone who didn’t open it as well as to send a follow-up SMS campaign to our SMS subscribers.
Just funny the way life happens sometimes innit?
Hit reply if you need help pumping more revenue, loyalty, and freedom from your emails.
I’ll meet you back here with a fresh story tomorrow.