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“my pleasure”

Writer's picture: John BrandtJohn Brandt

I read a story about the origin of Chick-fil-A employees saying “my pleasure” whenever a customer thanked them a few months back.

And there are a bunch of business lessons wrapped into these two simple, yet profitable words.

Because y’know what, according to this article I read, Chick-fil-A almost hit $16 billion in sales last year as a privately-held company.

Not too shabby, eh?

Let’s take a look at what we can learn—and then apply it to our businesses:

1. Providing a top-tier service with something as simple as using two words

This ties into the general experience lesson I shared with you yesterday. Yes, saying “my pleasure” is a simple thing. But it makes a massive difference, especially in the fast food industry where most workers would rather complain for $20 an hour than saying “my pleasure” or even a mild “you’re welcome.”

This is what transforms the average fast-food connoisseur into a loyal-to-a-fault and die hard fan, which Chick-fil-A customers embody.

2. Leading with your values (even if they offend some people)

Chick-fil-A is a Christian business—and they don’t hide it. And they stick to their guns, like being closed on Sunday, to an almost obnoxious degree. Or maybe I always crave Chick-fil-A on Sundays…

But check this out:

There’s a Chick-fil-A in the Atlanta Falcons stadium. If you know anything about NFL football… you know most games are played on Sunday.

Yet, there’s always one food joint you can’t get food from if the Falcons play on Sunday:


They stick to their guns even when they would make a chunk more change by opening on Sunday, even if just in this stadium. (College teams play in the same stadium, so it’s not like that Chick-fil-A is never open during a game.)

Or another example:

Chick-fil-A has gotten a bunch of hate with all the LGBT thangs which blossomed over the past few years. They openly do not support gay marriage. And it causes blue check specials on Twitter to virtue signal how bad this is.

But, as a Christian business, that’s what they believe. And they don’t acquiesce to the mob of virtue signalers or to the even to the pews of greed.

And they’re a better company for it.

3. Doing the exact opposite of what everyone else in your industry does

This is another powerful lesson, which can be applied six ways to Sunday in your business.

But let’s use Chick-fil-A as an example:

* They say “my pleasure” and treat their customers like royalty where employees at every other fast food joint probably spit in your food.

* They aren’t open on Sundays, even though they’d make an incalculable amount of more revenue.

* They throw two pickles on their sandwiches instead of one — defying another fast food tradition.

* Their restaurants are much cleaner, on average, than other fast food joints you’d walk into.

* They lead with their Christian values instead of shying away from them, which no other fast food companies do. (Or most companies in general while we’re at it.)

And there are several other ways Chick-fil-A does the opposite of what they’re supposed to.

Moral of the story?

Be more like Chick-fil-A in your business and watch your bank account grow.

If you need help being more like Chick-fil-A (especially in your emails), book a call.

If you have a proven offer and list, this might be the most profitable email you “send” (because I’ll send the rest if we work together).

Or, if you wanna make a quick buck or three, send me a new client. I’ll split the first month with you for any referral you send me.


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