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How LEGO made me a better copywriter

Writer's picture: John BrandtJohn Brandt

A few weeks ago, Peanut and I were looking for a new show to watch on Hulu. As we scrolled through a seemingly endless list of mediocre shows, we found one show which immediately piqued our interest:

LEGO Masters.

A competition-based reality TV show hosted by Will Arnett (the voice of Bojack Horseman).

Not only are we both big Bojack fans, but we’ve also become LEGO fans over the past year. LEGO gives us the opportunity to work together as a team, achieve a common goal together, have fun in the process, and upon finishing, we also have some decor for our house.

And so, turning on LEGO Masters was an easy decision that night. However, I did not know that it’d improve my copy chops… that was just pure luck.

So, how exactly did LEGO improve my copy chops?

Well, one of my roles as a copywriter is acting as the Copy Chief for The Podcast Factory. A podcasting agency that boasts working with some of the modern-day OG copywriters such as Ben Settle, Doberman Dan, and more.

And on LEGO Masters, besides Will Arnett, the other two “hosts” are Brickmasters Jamie and Amy. They’re OG LEGO builders, who each have designed some of the most iconic LEGO sets. On the show, they act as judges, and judge each team's builds based on a variety of factors.

Not only do they judge the competitors, but they also give them advice and feedback which helps them tap into their inner divinity when it comes to building LEGO.

And you know what?

It’s not so different from being a Copy Chief.

In fact, I’ve even brought some of their advice to my gig as a Copy Chief, especially when it comes to pulling the best LEGO (or, in my case, copy) out of others.

Since both LEGO and copy are a weirdly creative job, methinks you can learn many thangs from this show which you can apply to your copy.

For example:

One of their biggest critiques they have for each team of builders is focusing on the story. Story, when it comes to LEGO, is how you hook people in. It’s how you invite people into a new world. And it’s also how you get kids (or rather, parents of kids) to whip out their credit card and buy a certain set.

And so it is with copy.

That’s why storytelling is perhaps the best copy skill you can have: It disarms the natural apprehension of being sold to, invites them into a different world, and shows them how you can solve their biggest problem.

But most important of all?

And the reason both LEGO Masters works as a show, and “copyselling” works as a high-paid skill?

Stories drip with entertainment. And in a world where people both have tiny attention spans, but also watch 3+ hour podcast episodes, entertainment is king.


Need help crafting stories that not only convert, but also turn your customers into diehard supporters who will do your bidding (oftentimes, without you even asking them to)?

Hit reply, and let’s chat.


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©2021 John Brandt.

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