If you’ve been reading along, you know that I recently landed my first music gig in 5+ years.
But I haven’t revealed how I booked that music gig. And while it’s not sexy, it can help in any business venture that comes across your desk.
Before I dive in, here’s some backstory:
My buddy started a band way back when we were in high school. During the first couple of years, he learned that his bassist planned to move to Texas, and so he needed a new bassist. He asked me. Not because I was a great bassist—at this point, I hadn’t even played an electric bass besides a few songs in middle school—but because we were friends (and he knew I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to).
Lesson in there.
I joined the band. Stayed in the band for 5-6 years. And added hundreds—at least 350 by my conservative estimates—of live shows under my belt.
But then I quit the band because it was too difficult to balance practicing, gigging, and starting my career. (This happened long before my freelancing business was even an idea.)
Since I quit the band, I haven’t played my bass much.
I sorta fell out of love with it after dedicating so much of my life to it.
Well, fast forward 5 or so years.
Peanut and I were at a concert with my old drummer from the band. He told me his plans to start a Fleetwood Mac cover band, and he wanted me to play bass.
My response?
I’d love to, but man, I’m rusty. I told him how I haven’t played or practiced much since leaving the band. But I’m sure it’d come back to me quickly. And it did — playing music is like riding a bike.
But here’s the key point:
There were more qualified, more “experienced,” and frankly, better bassists he could’ve hired.
But he didn’t.
We worked together in the past and love playing music together.
In other words…
My friendship and past experiences helped me land this music gig. (This also is how I landed being in the band originally, even though I had to teach myself bass from scratch in 3-6 months.)
Remind you of anything?
Like the “KLT Factor”—that’s Know, Like, Trust—I blabber on and on about?
When people know, like, and trust you?
You’ll land the “gig” over more experienced and more talented mfs than you.
Infinite ways to apply this to your business for maximum profits.
Anyway, if you’d like to foster more of this “KLT Factor” in your business by sending emails your list practically gets addicted to reading, book a Discovery Call here.
We’ll set up a quick call and make sure partnering makes sense.