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even Zuck agrees with Daddy

Writer's picture: John BrandtJohn Brandt

Looks like ol’ el John-o-rino was vindicated yet again. This time by a former lizard person who turned surprisingly human: Mark Zuckerberg himself. 

Zuck recently came out and admitted something that anyone who leans slightly right of center (or anyone who lifts for that matter… as this was Zuck’s most important step in his transformation from lizard person to human) knew for a while: 

Meta, including both Facebook and Instagram, were shadow banning, limiting, and straight out censoring content that disagreed with their political views. Especially regarding covid, but this also extends to politics—which extends to everything because politics has seeped into every last aspect of the new world. 

Zuck admitted that even jokes and satire were fair game for this censorship! 

So, how was I right in this?

Well, one of the thangs I’ve written about over and over again is how relying on social media to grow your audience is a foolish endeavor. Especially for certain topics which they deem unacceptable—which is basically anything right of center or not accepted in the mainstream. 

While health and wellness and political businesses are the ones at the most risk, this extends to everyone. 

Worst part? 

This all came from the government (or mayhap the Big Pharma lobbyists who run the show). Not Zuck himself or his band of left-leaning Big Tech employees. 

In fact, even in his lizard person days, even Zuck thought this was a step too far. But he was scared. And he obliged (even though he regrets that decision today). 

Of course, the worst part of this story is the cautionary tale of the businesses who were destroyed because of this censorship. Especially if they didn’t focus the vast majority of their social media on getting their fans and followers to join their email list, where you own the list. 

Moral of the story? 

Go ahead and use social media if you must. But use it to grow your email list. That way, you have a plan B if they do drop the ban hammer on you. 

And if you need help monetizing your new list? 

Hit reply, and let’s chat. 

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and get a free copy of my book... 
The 6-Figure
Profit First Emails 
Product Launch System 
(sells for $47.97 on Amazon) 

As well as regular email tips on sending more profitable emails and building a stronger bond with your customers. 

©2021 John Brandt.

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