Peanut and I have quite a few errands to run today.
And it’s moments like these that give me an ultimate sense of joy.
Why, you ask?
I’m currently writing this email from a bank while Peanut deals with them. I have my laptop with me, my phone powering my Wi-Fi, and I’m getting work done instead of waiting around mindlessly scrolling on social media.
Which begs the question:
Can you do the same in your business?
Or try this on for size:
One of my clients has been sick as a dog for the past couple of weeks. I’m not sure what’s wrong with him, but he’s dealing with immense bouts of fatigue, brain fog, and just feeling like absolute gar-bage, as all men do when we even come down with a minor cold.
And yet…
Since we’ve been working together for the past couple of years (and a proper team handling everything not email-related), he doesn't even have to worry about his business while he rests.
Can you do the same in your business?
If not, I can help.
It might not happen overnight, but after a few months of working together, you’ll realize you don’t have to worry about your business or your revenue nearly as much.
Whether that frees you up to run errands, travel, or just recover from an illness faster (worrying ain’t good for the immune system) is up to you.
But I can help you and your business achieve that level of freedom.
Hit reply and I’ll show you how.