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Amphibious pitcher makes debut

Writer's picture: John BrandtJohn Brandt

There’s a meme, well it’s not really a meme, that’s circulated social media since it spawned in 2015.

A newspaper ran an article with the headline:

“Amphibious pitcher makes debut”

Of course, they meant ambidextrous.

But they typed—and printed—amphibious lmao.

Now, here’s where most sucker copywriters would write an email about the importance of words, why typos are bad, etc. etc. etc.

Not me though.

In fact, I’m gonna praise this newspaper!

Here’s why:

Typos are a sneaky way to “shock” people into opening, replying, and yes, buying.

Everyone knows their rudely neighborhood grammar Nazi.

So, they’ll open and reply to any typo-laden subject line. (Which is good for deliverability.)

Plus, peopel like drama and many peopel secretly want other peopel to fail (whether they realize it or not.)

Take this meme for example:

This article came out in 2015.

And yet, mfs are still sharing the meme on social media.

7 years later.

I just saw it yesterday. And I’m sure it will continue to spread for years to come.

All press is good press baybee.

But it reveals a deeper psychological quirk.

And this quirk, if harnessed properly, can make you fat stacks of cash:

People like seeing other people fail.

They get off to it in a way.

So the occasional typo in a subject line can get opened more than a whore in Vegas.

On a related note:

Another “sneaky” tactic like this one is accidentally typing in the wrong link in your CTAs.

(I’ve never done this purposefully but it’s happened before.)

When you type in the wrong link…

People reply and let you know. (suckers…)

And you get the chance to send a quick “oops I messed up” email 10 minutes later without pissing off anyone on your list. In fact, they’ll thank you for it. And for some reason the “oops I messed up” email gets way more opens.

(You can’t count sales when the link ain’t right.)

One last example of this powerful “mistake” tactic:

A while back, Ben Settle’s email software glitched hard as a mf.

He sent the same exact email 10 times to his list in a matter of minutes.

And you know what?

Those 10 emails made a whole bunch of sales and didn't lead to as many unsubscribes as you’d think.

That said, I don’t recommend something as annoying as sending 10 of the same exact emails to your list in the matter of minutes.

That’s a slimeball tactic and Ben didn’t mean to do it.


It worked?

Just sumtin to think aboot as you lay in bed at night.

Another thing to consider as you lay in bed at night wondering how to make more sales:

If you have a proven offer and a list, hitting reply to this email might just change your life…

Your business will make more money (probably).

You will work less (probably).

And falling asleep at night will be a breeze (probably).

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©2021 John Brandt.

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