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13 “Flowsitions” to make your copy flow like *that* time of month

Writer's picture: John BrandtJohn Brandt

Quick lil tactical, and easy-to-implement advice today.

Sit down, grab a cup of jo, take some notes (if’n you’d like), and try to implement one of these “flowsitions” today.

Let’s start class:

One of the biggest signs of a newbie copywriter is their copy flows like a dried-up river which morphed into a dessert. Flow ain’t easy. You can’t learn flow as easily as you can learn different persuasion tactics, the AIDA method, NLP techniques, or other flowery guru copywriter shiz.

It takes time.





And more.

This is why most copywriters suck at it. Plus, it’s one of the least noticeable aspects of your copy on a surface level. It’s a subtle difference which makes a profound impact on readership. And if you’re good at what you do, the longer people read your copy, the more likely they’ll buy your stuff.

It reminds me of when I played bass in a band. Bass in rock music isn’t the sexiest (v different for edm). Bassists don’t play many solos. A bass isn’t as loud or aggressive as drums. Or as sweet and melodic as guitars and keyboards. And it’s not as smooth as a saxophone.

But you know what?

Bass marries the melody to the rhythm, completing the sound. It’s part of the musical backbone, but it’s more flexible than the drums. It makes every other instrument, note, lick, riff, and solo sound better.

In other words…

It keeps the audience listening because it merges sonic opposites (melodies and rhythms) into beautiful songs.

And so it is with flow.

Flow keeps your copy exciting. Engaging. It keeps your audience on the edge of their seat, hypnotizing them into sentence after sentence. It makes massive chunks of text—from 1,000 word emails to 20,000 word sales pages—less daunting. And, like music, it hits your audience on a subtle, subconscious, and emotional level. Which equals more readers, more fans, more loyalists, and yes, more sales.

Now, flow takes practice and work. I have a bunch of improvements to make myself, as this is an aspect of copywriting I realize the importance of more each day.

If you’re brand-spanking-new to writing copy, I’ll give you a couple of quick ways to improve:

1. Read your copy out loud to yourself.

You can even record it on your phone and listen back to it. It’ll sound awkward, I know, I hate my voice too. But it’s an eye-opening experience on where your copy sucks.

2. Read more copy more often.

These here emails are a good starting point. And I’d advise going to and reading ads there instead of reading another copywriting book.

3. Mix-n-match your sentence and paragraph length.

Play around with it. The more you write, the more you “feel” where a longer vs shorter paragraph or sentence should be. Reread this email and focus on this tip — then try to “reverse engineer” why I wrote certain sentences and paragraphs the way I did.

Anyway, this email took quite a long, but mayhap, necessary detour.

Back to the point:

Besides the three tips I shared above, one of the easiest ways to make your copy flow better is by using what I call “flowsitions.”

I use them all the time. And once I reveal this “secret” to you, methinks you’ll notice it more.

First, lemme explain what it is. Then I’ll give you 13 of some of my favorite ones.

Sound fair?


Flowsitions are simple phrases that connect one part of an email to another part of an email. Sometimes they connect unrelated ideas, sentences, and paragraphs together. Other times they serve more as a “palate cleanser” after a long or dense topic or paragraph. Sometimes, they’re just lil subconscious check-ins to make sure you’re still with me.

(A good example of this—in real time, mind you—was the “Sound fair? Good” flowsition I used before starting the previous paragraph.)

When used correctly, flowsitions can transform “watching-paint-dry-boring” copy into “watching-a-rerun-of-a-show-you’ve-seen-a-million-times-boring” copy. And—while I don’t have the exact data or numbers to support this, nor do I know if this is even true, but it *feels* true—I’m sure A-list copywriting legends like Doug D’Anna and Gary Bencivenga will tell you that your writing flow and cadence could be the difference between a sales letter that flopped and one that made millions—and millions—of dollars.

But most of the time?

It’s just a formatting thing (lol).

It makes your copy look more consumable. And they can act like mini little cliffhangers, which can hook skimmers back into your copy.

Whew, what a helluva buildup for these bad boys.

Try using one of the following flowsitions in your next piece of copy. It might be the missing ingredient you’re searching for.


Here’s the list:

  1. Anyway…

  2. Walk with me…

  3. That’s the bad news. The good news?

  4. Capisce?

  5. Here’s the thing…

  6. Short story long (or long story short)

  7. Here’s the story:

  8. And it reminded me about [your topic]

  9. Which brings me to the rub:

  10. And you know what?

  11. Moral of the story?

  12. Why?

  13. Here’s the kicker:

And you know what?

There's a bunch more.

I know I’m missing a ton.

But creativity is half the fun too.

Alright, enough of this email that’s probably drug on a tad too long already.

Need help improving your email revenue by at least 30% this month?

Wanna hypnotize your customers until you develop an (ethical) cult-like following?

And have a proven offer?


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and get a free copy of my book... 
The 6-Figure
Profit First Emails 
Product Launch System 
(sells for $47.97 on Amazon) 

As well as regular email tips on sending more profitable emails and building a stronger bond with your customers. 

©2021 John Brandt.

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