One of my roles for one of my clients is copy chief. Meaning, I help other “greener” copywriters level up their skills, edit their copy, and coach them to becoming better copywriters.
And hype-y copy came up in one of our recent discussions.
What does hype-y copy mean?
Here’s an example:
* How to lose 30 lbs this week using this one simple trick
It’s clickbait-y. It’s hyped up to the nth degree. And it’s a favorite trick of copywriters.
And while the bullet sounds good, it’s not persuasive.
It ain’t believable, cully.
Which brings me to the rub:
Your copy has to be believable.
Otherwise, you’re gonna miss out on a lot of potential sales.
Let’s watch how we can make this bullet more believable:
* How to shed 5 lbs of fat this week by making one change to your morning routine
See how this seems more realistic, and thus, more believable?
Moral of the story?
Yes, hype up your copy as much as you can. But don’t go overboard with hype that it drowns out the believability of your copy.
I have another jam-packed day, so I’ll leave you with this:
Book a call (here!) if you have a proven offer and wanna dump some kerosene on it with email.
Or join my email list riggghhhhht here.