Coupla days ago, we chatted about writer’s block and why I don’t believe in it.
That said, it’s easy to procrastinate.
Especially on projects outside your comfort zone. I thought about writing a book for longer than I’d like to admit before I started. But once I started writing, I finished 200-some pages in a couple of months easy.
But as a copywriter, content creator, biz owner, or whatever you label yourself, procrastination can seduce us like Cleopatra.
Sometimes it even makes sense to procrastinate and you can weaponize it by letting your “diffused brain” cook up ideas while you enjoy your life.
But sometimes, deadlines loom over your head, and you don’t have the luxury of time.
In that case?
That’s when you implement this weird 33:33 rule.
I’ve done this myself a bunch of times and it works like gangbusters. So I encourage you to try it before you knock it next time you get stuck.
Best part of this little trick?
All you need is your phone and your brain. (Well, I guess you need your fingers too.)
Here’s how it works:
Set a timer on your phone for 33:33. 33 minutes and 33 seconds. (Hey, specificity sells… a powerful lesson in and of itself, so it is.)
While that clock’s running, you write.
Doesn’t matter what it is.
You want to “explode” on the page as much as you can.
Once you write your first few sentences or ideas, they’ll flow to you like the Nile.
And once that timer stops?
You stop.
Take a 5-10 minute break—and this next part is the most important part—away from your computer.
Go take a number 2. Go for a walk around the block. Make a cup of coffee. Do anything you want except look at your computer screen or think of what you’re writing about.
When that 5-10 minute breaks over, set your timer back to 33:33.
Rinse and repeat as necessary.
Methinks you’ll find it a powerful way to “force” yourself into work.
Which is something we all need every once in o’ while.
Anyway, that’s all I got today.
If’n you wanna make more cashola every time you hit “send…”
And you have a proven offer and an email list (even a sma’ one)...